Festivals are

really thrilling!


Our festivals are not only fun but relevant to our project

The celebration of festivals and special events is a very significant part of our education project. It ensures that children can have fun and learn, whilst developing a wide range of capabilities, from creativity and imagination to expression of feelings and emotions.

For example, your children will not only practice their manual and psychomotor skills on World Peace Day, but also understand the meaning of this celebration and how they can help to promote understanding with their peers, respect for others …

The rest of the festivities can be used in a similar way in an educational setting: San Isidro festivity, World Book Day, Human Rights Day, Carnival, etc.

guarderia madrid

Did you know … ?

Some hints about how we prepare our festivals

  • … Due to our agreement with Unicef, we include important celebrations in our program  to promote awareness in our students about the environment that surrounds them: World Water Day, Children’s Rights Day…
  • … We enjoy the festival not only one day but in previous weeks preparing them! Pedagogical ambiance created around this date is so special: preparing costumes, teaching our children about the relevance of the festival…
  • … We try to involve our families as much as possible in any holiday or festival we celebrate: not only in preliminary preparation, but in festival itself… Children enjoy sharing their hapiness with their families!

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Don´t you want to celebrate festivals with us?